
How to Turn Off Restricted Mode on YouTube in Different Gadgets


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Youtube is now an inevitable part of our life. From entertainment to core learning, it has entered every part of our life. But, a part of its content is not age appropriate and is irrelevant. Sometimes, we even wish to restrict a specific type of content on YouTube. For such users, using YouTube Restricted Mode is beneficial.

Youtube Restricted Mode

Restricted Mode on YouTube allows users to limit or restrict the use of sensitive or potentially mature content on the platform.

When we turn the restricted mode on, we save ourselves from watching such content which is flagged or labeled as not suitable by the audience or users. With its help, we can filter out the content containing violence, adult themes, use of explicit language, etc.

Restricted Mode on Youtube
Restricted Mode on Youtube

It provides a right to the organizations such as schools, companies, libraries, etc. to create a controlled and safe browsing experience.

However, while using the restricted mode you should remember that the content filtered by the Restricted mode is not 100% correct. Sometimes, it flags legitimate content as inappropriate, and sometimes inappropriate content may appear even after it is been filtered.

Language, User settings, and region play a major role in deciding the nature of the Youtube restricted mode filters.

How to Turn OFF Restricted Mode on YouTube on Mobile

Turning on the restricted mode on YouTube is very easy. You just need to follow the simple steps discussed here

  1. First, open YouTube.
  2. Click on your profile picture present at the top right corner.
  3. Search for ‘Settings’ and click on it.
  4. Tap on ‘General’.
  5. Search for the ‘Restricted mode’ option and toggle on the switch next to it, to turn it ON. If it turns blue, it means that the restricted mode is ON, and if it is grey, the restricted mode is OFF.

How to Turn Restricted Mode Off on YouTube on Windows PC / Laptop / MAC

Turning the Restricted Mode ON/OFF on your PC/MAC is as simple as doing it on your mobile. Just follow these steps

  1. Open the YouTube site on a web browser of your choice.
  2. Go to the bottom of the page by scrolling it and then search for the ‘Restricted Mode’ option.
  3. Tap on the toggle key present there. If it is blue, the Restricted Mode is ON, otherwise it is OFF.

How to Disable Restricted Mode on YouTube on Android TV

  1. Open the Android TV device and then open YouTube App.
  2. Navigate to the left-hand menu using the navigation buttons on the remote.
  3. Select ‘Settings’.
  4. Tap on the ‘Restricted Mode’ option.
  5. Select/Click/Press the toggle key present in front of it. As usual, if it is blue, Restricted Mode is ON, and if it is not, restricted Mode is OFF.

How to Turn Off Restricted Mode on YouTube Chromebook

  1. Open Chrome browser and then open the YouTube website.
  2. Go to the bottom of the YouTube page and search for the ‘Restricted Mode’ option. Click it.
  3. A drop-down menu appears. Click the toggle key present next to the option ‘Activate Restricted Mode’.
  4. If it turns Blue, the Restricted Mode is ON otherwise it is OFF. So, if it is Grey, press the toggle key again.

Also Check>>> Google Chrome Remote Desktop Setup

  1. Is Youtube restricted mode available in all languages and regions?

    Yes, the restricted mode is available in every region and language. However, the sensitivities and the cultural norms of the region have an impact on the type of content to be restricted.

  2. How does YouTube filter out potentially mature content?

    It used various types of filters and signals like the title of the video, community guidelines, description of content or metadata, etc. to filter out the potentially sensitive or mature content.

  3. Can I view the comments on the videos when the Restricted mode youtube is turned ON?

    No, you can’t see the comment.

  4. Should I turn on the restricted mode youtube for all the browsers I use?

    If you are using YouTube on multiple browsers with multiple accounts you should Turn the Restricted Mode ON in each of the browsers.

  5. If a child is above the age of 13 years, can I disable youtube restricted mode for him/her?

    No, one can’t set the restricted mode for a child who is over 13 years of age.

  6. Can I use YouTube Restricted Mode in Family Link App for my child?

    Yes, you can turn on the Restricted Mode for Child’s account, if the child is not eligible for the supervised Google Account.

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