
How to Know If Someone Blocked You on Snapchat


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Let’s have more details about snapchat and check the simple steps about how to know if someone blocked you on snapchat or not and also we know the difference between removed and blocked of your account discussed in this article.

Snapchat is an online platform, where worldwide friends connected through snapchat and we can have fun with our friends by clicking a new picture with ultimate filters.

We will find the multiple filters of frames in snapchat and provides the best feature of messaging to our friends through the app itself.

How to tell If Someone Blocked You on Snapchat

As we aware of snapchat chats and we can make changes in chat settings such as privacy and the messages viewing time, after time ends the chat may cleared and important message saved in the conversation of chat

Also Read: How to Turn Off Camera Sound on Snapchat

Different Ways to Know if Someone Blocked You on Snapchat

We have four methods to find out if your account blocked on snapchat.

  • Check the recent conversations
  • Check the friend list of you in snapchat app
  • Find the usernames
  • Use the different account to search the username

Check the Recent Conversations

Here are simple steps to check your recent conversations of your friends on snapchat to find your account blocked by them or not.

  1. Open your snapchat app on your android device or iPhone
  2. Click on the chat icon which is available besides the camera icon option
  3. You will find the list of friends you recently chatted with them
  4. If you did not find the username of your friend on top list of conservations

You can decide that your account blocked by your friend on snapchat.

Also Read: How do you Pin Someone on Snapchat for Friends or Others

Check the Friend list of you in Snapchat App

The easy method mentioned below to find your friend in friend’s list of you on snapchat app.

  1. Open the snapchat app on your iPhone
  2. Click on profile icon and search the option of My Friends in the drop-down menu
  3. You will find the list of friends under the Friend option
  4. If you’re not find the name of any of your friends in the list, it will confirm that your account blocked or removed on your friend’s snapchat app.

Find the Usernames

  1. Open the snapchat account or app on your android device
  2. Click on the search option which is in the icon of magnifying lens
  3. Enter the name of username of your friend, if you did not find the name
  4. This notifies you that your account blocked by your friend.

Use the different account to search the Conservations

  1. Open snapchat app on your device
  2. Login the app with different account and the required credentials to login into another account
  3. Click the search option and enter the name of your friend
  4. If you find the name of your friend, it will pop up that your account has blocked on snapchat of your account.

These are the simple methods to verify if your account blocked on your friend’s account or blocked by your friend on snapchat account.

Also Check: Snapchat Plus

How to Know if Someone Blocked you on Snapchat

We have multiple ways to check if our account blocked by others on their individual snapchat app.

We discussed in the above methods, the procedures are the same for finding the individual username and help us to find the person on which username our account blocked.

The list of methods to tell if someone blocked you on snapchat

  1. Finding the recent conversations
  2. Check the friends list
  3. Find the usernames on you snapchat app
  4. Use different accounts to search the conversations
  5. Using parental control to manage the snapchat app of your kid’s account.

We have a new method to find out on which your friend’s account blocked of your snapchat account.

Using AirDroid Parental Control to Manage the Snapchat App of Your Kid’s Account

The AirDroid parental control app has great innovative features to manage the kid’s account and their usage of app, find the screen time of your kid’s mobile.

  1. Daily usage report of your kid’s android mobile
  2. Location tracker
  3. App and screen time management
  4. Sync app notifications

Daily Usage Report of Your Kid’s Android Mobile

Through AirDroid parental control app, you can be able to see all the usage of your kid’s application and you can be watching which app they spend time more and videos they watched on their mobile through different apps.

It acts as a screen minoring, every action done by your kid can be monitor by you on your mobile from anyplace

Location Tracker

You can find the current location of your child and make the history of their location, where they are travelling during their class timings, and we can track the location, is our kid reached home safely or not?

This is the best feature of the app, because it provides relief from the tensions of parents whether their kid is moving safely or not, while travelling throughout the daily activities.

App and Screen Time Management

It is the most important feature; we should maintain a constant usage of apps on our mobile because the screen time ought to be less for mainly children.

If the screen time exceeds, the stress on kid’s eyes may increase. It will lead to decrease the intensity of eye view of a kid. Check the apps they use daily because the kids can easily become addicted to things in a short period of time.

Sync App Notifications

Here is the special activity in AirDroid parental control app. You can receive all the notifications of your children’s mobile apps.

By this we can track the chat status and with whom your kid is talking with. You can identify messages received from others.

You can block the people on your kid’s snapchat through your mobile using AirDroid parental control app.

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