
Copy and Paste Not Working in Windows – Way to Fix Now


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The copy and paste function is a fundamental feature in Windows, sometimes this functionality may facing issues and stop working. If you’re experiencing this, don’t worry. This guide will help you to resolve the issue.

Why Copy and Paste Not Working in My Windows

There are several reasons to copy and paste function is not working on your Windows. They are listed below.

  • System Glitch – Sometimes, a temporary system glitch can cause copy and paste issues.
  • Clipboard Errors – The Windows clipboard may become corrupted, leading to copy and paste problems.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts – When you are using the wrong keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting.
  • Third-Party Applications – Some third-party applications can interfere with the copy and paste functionality.
  • Antivirus or Security Software – In some cases antivirus or security software can block certain actions, including copy and paste operations.
  • Keyboard or Mouse Issues- If you are using damaged keyboard or mouse can cause to copy and paste are not working properly.
  • File or Folder Permissions-If you are trying to copy and paste the unauthorized files or folders, in that time copy and paste are not working.
Copy and Paste Not Working in Windows
Copy and Paste Not Working in Windows

How to Fix Copy and Paste not Working in Windows

To solve the copy and paste are not working issue in Windows, you can try the following steps.

  1. Restart your computer – Sometimes, a simple restart can fix temporary glitches or issues.
  2. Check for clipboard history settings – Windows 10 introduced a clipboard history feature that allows you to access previously copied items.
  3. Use keyboard shortcuts -Use the correct keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting. The standard shortcuts are “Ctrl + C” to copy and “Ctrl + V” to paste.
  4. Clear the clipboard- To avoid copy and paste issues.
  5. Check for third-party applications-Try to close any recently installed applications or programs to see if they are causing the problem.
  6. Disable antivirus or security software temporarily – Antivirus or security software can sometimes block certain actions, including copy and paste operations. Temporarily disable your antivirus or security software and check if the copy and paste functions are working or not.
  7. Update your operating system – Your Windows operating system is up to date. Install any pending updates, as they may include fixes for known issues.
  8. Perform a system file check – Windows has a built-in System File Checker tool that scans and repairs corrupted system files.
  9. Check your files or folders are authorized or not to copy and paste.
  10. Check your keyboard and mouse, if you find any damage in it then use a new keyboard or mouse.

If you didn’t get any solution from the following above steps, you have to visit the nearest service center to solve the issue.

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