
Spotify Icebergify, How to Get your Spotify Iceberg


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Spotify is famous among youngsters who love music, those who use Spotify extensively for all types of music, face problems when they have to sort, save and download lots of music files.

In such a case, using Icebergify helps a lot and spotify Iceberg is an open source App. This App helps Spotify users to organize their favorite artists on a chart and this iceberg chart looks like an iceberg.

Spotify Icebergify

Spotify Icebergify

Spotify tracks and keep records of the listening habits of its users and then organizes a chart of their favorite artists in such a way that it looks like an iceberg.

This is an open source tool an it is completely customizable. This is developed by a person named Akshay Raj. This open-source platform can analyze about 50 artists who are listened to by the user for months or altogether years.

Again, the artists are then bifurcated based on their popularity. Obscure artists will be based at the bottom, while popular artists will be listed at the top of the iceberg.

How to Create Your Spotify Iceberg Online / Desktop

There are different ways for creating the Icebergify playlist on Spotify based on how you are trying to create a Spotify Icebergify account. If you are trying via Desktop Let us discuss as below for web portal or desktop app as below

  1. First, open the Spotify desktop application.
  2. Log in to your Spotify account.
  3. Search ‘Your Library’
  4. Click Create Playlist.
  5. Give a title to the Untitled Playlist.
  6. Search for the song of your choice.
  7. Right-click on the song and then select ‘Add to Playlist’.
  8. Choose the Playlist of your choice.
  9. Add more songs (if you want) in the same way.

Note – The songs added to the playlist can be rearranged by dragging. Whenever you want to play a song from the playlist, you have to go to the ‘Your Library’ section present on the left sidebar of the Icebergify App.

Spotify Iceberg on Android/iOS Mobile App

  1. Open the Spotify App.
  2. Log in to your Spotify account on the App.
  3. Tap ‘Your Library’ >> Playlists
  4. Tap the Create button ‘+’.
  5. Enter the name of the playlist on the new screen.
  6. Click the ‘Create’ button.
  7. Search song.
  8. Click on the three-dot menu present next to the song.
  9. Select the ‘Add to Playlist option.
  10. Repeat the same steps to add more songs.

How to Share Your Spotify Iceberg With Friends?

  1. Open Spotify on your device.
  2. Go to ‘Your Library’ >> Playlist.
  3. Tap on the playlist you want to share.
  4. Click on the three-dot menu.
  5. Select ‘Share’.
  6. Choose the sharing option of your choice.
  7. Do as directed –
    • For messaging App – A chat window will open. Select friends and share.
    • For social media – Customize the pre-filled post and then share it directly with friends.
    • As a link – copy the link and paste it wherever you want and share it with your friends.

Note – The process may vary depending on the device and Spotify Apps version.

Also Check: Spotify Stats to Check and View Complete Statistics

How to Fix Issues with Spotify Iceberg

Though it is easy to use Spotify, sometimes issues emerge due to internal server errors, traffic on Spotify, etc. Nevertheless, you can easily solve these problems which will help Spotify to work properly. Here, I am just discussing just a few fixes that may used to solve these problems.

  • Try Refreshing the Website – In the same way, we restart our devices to work properly, we should try to refresh our website multiple times so that the iceberg screen is visible.
  • Clear your Browser Cookies – This is a common problem we face while using the website. When you use the websites on the browser for long, cookies and cached data to accumulate. You can erase the data using the option ‘clear browsing data’. After clearing, open the Icebergify site again.
  • Connect/ Disconnect VPN – VPN sometimes interferes with the working of certain sites. To solve the problem of the VPN, disconnect and then reconnect. Try accessing the site after that. There are some VPN apps available in the market that can be used to solve the problem and connect to the VPN.

Q1. How efficient is Spotify’s Iceberg?

A: Yes, Iceberg is in line with Spotify’s data.

Q2. How safe is Iceberg?

A: On Spotify, you do not share personal info like phone number, email, etc.

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