
PNB HRMS 2.0 for Punjab National Bank Employee ESS Login


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Complete information on PNB HRMS 2.0 and it’s services, detailed process for How to Register with PNB HRMS 2.0 login and how to reset forgot password followed by some FAQs…

Punjab National Bank does have its exclusive portal for the employees which referred as PNB HRMS 2.0. This is a portal which can access by employees and retired employees to check their employment and other essential details. Punjab National Bank HRMS, also known as PNB parivar, also available through an online Application.

There are various services that will be provided, so that employers want to always visit their branch regularly. By having the HRMS portal, it is as well easier for Punjab National Bank to check and calculate their salary, monitor the leaves and attendance of the empires. This human resources development system is operating round the clock and always ensures to provide better service to employees.


There are numerous services that the PNB HRMS 2.0 portal does provide and here are some listed through which you can know how the portal works.

Check Salary Slip: Employees who are working in Punjab National Bank can directly get their salary slip check form their login credentials provided. The way they can check how much salary credited in their account and as well compare it with previous salary.

Check Transaction: The transaction that has happened in your PNB account, viewed directly from the HRMS portal. These ensure you have a single portal to manage everything under the PNB.

Apply leave: PNB HRMS gives direct access to apply for your leave and it usually makes it easier for employees to check how many days they have got in their employee leave balance. As well it gives a chance to apply for future leaves to ensure your management about it.

Manage Holidays: The calendar for the PNB HRMS does have the leaves already linked. Thus it makes it easier for employees to check their leaves and as well it will automatically let you know about the bank leaves.

Check Account Balance: Once an employee has logged into the PNB HRMS portal, it will be quick to them to know about their balance. They should login into different accounts to know their balance, as PNB HRMS does give a direct page link.

Get Pension Status: The retired employee can login with their already provided credentials to login and check their status. This way they can update their details and get benefits with the PNB HRMS pension scheme.

Check Pension Slip: The retired employee can get their respective pension slip download from the PNB HRMS. This gives a page to download the slip which will allow them to check about their pension.

Growth Option: The PNB HRMS does also have growth settings, which is for the employees that are entitle for a longer period. Under these sections, employees will know how they can increase their position and get more options to explore under the Punjab National Bank.

Recognition: In these sections, the employee who is working will recognize under their eyes. It will showcase their name in the portal for a certain period. It will ensure that employees encouraged with their work. They get motivate for everything they do for the bank.

PNB HRMS 2.0 Login Registration

The PNB HRMS portal is only for the employees who are currently employed or have retired with the bank. Make sure you register with PNB HRMS or Parivar if you’re working with Punjab National bank to experience three online services.

  1. Open official site of PNB HRMS

    Visit the official website of PNB HRMS using the link pnbnet.net.in

  2. Click on Login

    Here you need to tap on Login into HRMS form bottom right corner and Now you will be taken to PNB Parivar portal to sign in

  3. Enter User ID and Password and Tap on Sign in

    Enter our User ID along with password and click on Sign in button

  4. You will move to PNB parivar HRMS page after detail verification

    Once Your details are verified, you will be moved to PNB parivar HRMS page

That’s it, PNB HRMS employee page will load. Employee or retired employee can get their respective details or update them in the same as per your requirements.

How to Reset PNB HRMS Forgot Password

If you’re an employee of Punjab National Bank, then it might be usually that you forget your PNB HRMS 2.0 portal password. In such cases, you can just see these details to get your password reset.

  1. Visit the official website of PNB HRMS 2.0 page from your browser
  2. In the home page, click on Login to HRMS page at bottom corner
  3. Now click on Forgot Password to open the forgot password page
  4. Here enter your username and then provide required details
  5. Once provided, your details will verify with an OTP sent to mobile
  6. Now reset your password by setting it twice in the same page
  7. That’s it, The new password is set for your PNB HRMS portal. It can now used to access the page. In this way you can access and get it used to use your bank provided services.
  1. Does PNB HRMS portal give access to change PF amount?

    The PNB HRMS portal does have details about every employee services and in these PF is one other major one. The employee wants to add extra pay in their PF amount that is automatically deducted from their account. Can use the PF page in their PNB HRMS page and get that changed which will be then added in your salary.

  2. Can an employee download an old payslip from the PNB HRMS 2.0 login?

    Employees who have access with the PNB HRMS 2.0 login can use their credentials to login and check their payslip. The option to enter month and year will allow you to get any payslip as desired, which will be saved since you have joined the bank or having at least 5 years.

  3. Does PNB HRMS portal be used by Bank customers?

    No, the PNB HRMS which is also referred as PNB parivar is only for the employees of Punjab National Bank. Thus customers will not be allowed to access the PNB HRMS page at any means and they only be retested with the customer portal where internet banking of other services for customers are provided.

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