
Netflix Watch History to See and Delete on Gadgets


Netflix Watch History is a record of movies and TV shows you have watched on the Netflix streaming platform. It includes titles, episode progress, and dates you watched.

Watch history Netflix helps you keep track of what you’ve viewed and aids in discovering new content.

Netflix Watch History

Watch History is a compilation of movies and TV shows that a user has watched on the streaming platform.

  • This history encompasses information like titles, episode progress, and viewing dates.
  • You can delete Netflix Watch History to remove specific titles from the list, providing more personalized recommendations and maintaining your privacy.
  • Users have the option to delete specific titles from their Watch History, refining their content suggestions and preserving their viewing privacy.
Netflix Watch History

How to See Netflix Watch History

While it’s not necessary to keep a record of everything you’ve ever watched on Netflix.

This is how you can view your Netflix watch history, there are a few steps below.

  1. Open Netflix app in your device.
  2. Go to the Netflix Account page.
  3. Open the Profile & Parental Controls settings.
  4. Open Viewing activity.
  5. Here, you can see the Netflix watching history. If you see a limited list, view the complete history using the Show More button.

How do I cancel my Netflix subscription?

Go to Account > Membership & Billing > Cancel Membership.

Can I change my Netflix plan?

Yes, visit Account > Membership & Billing > Change Plan.

How to See Netflix Watch History Activity for Linked User

If you’re trying to see Netflix Watch History activity for a linked user, here’s how:

  1. Click the link https://www.netflix.com/Login .
  2. Sign in to the main Netflix account (the one that has profiles linked).
  3. Click on the profile icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Choose Manage Profiles from the dropdown menu.
  5. Select the linked profile you want to check the watch history for.
  6. Scroll down and click on Viewing activity.

How to Download Netflix Watch History or Viewing Activity

To Download Netflix Watch History or Viewing Activity, There are a few steps below.

  1. Click here https://www.netflix.com/Login .
  2. Sign in to your Netflix account.
  3. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Choose Account from the dropdown menu.
  5. Under the Profile & Parental Controls section, select the profile for which you want to view the watch history.
  6. Scroll down to the Profile section and click on Viewing activity.
  7. Copy and paste the titles and details into a document or spreadsheet for your records or Click on below download all option.

How to Delete Watch History on Netflix

To delete your Netflix History in online, just follow

  1. Open https://www.netflix.com/Login and Sign in to your Netflix account.
  2. Choose Account from the dropdown menu.
  3. Under the Profile & Parental Controls section, select the profile for which you want to delete the watch history.
  4. Scroll down to the Profile section and click on Viewing activity.
  5. Click the Hide icon (a circle with a line through it) next to the title you want to remove from your watch history.
  6. The title will be hidden from your watch history.

Delete Watch History Netflix On TV

The following steps is applicable for all kinds of televisions, where using the netflix application

  1. Open the Netflix app on your smart TV.
  2. Navigate to your profile.
  3. Using your remote, find and select the Menu or Settings option within the app.
  4. Look for an option like Account or Profile Settings.
  5. Within those settings, there might be an option to View activity or Watch history.
  6. You’ll likely see a list of titles you’ve watched. Select the title you want to remove.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to hide or remove the title from your watch history.

Netflix Clear Watch History on Android Phone

  1. Open Netflix app and Login to your account.
  2. Click your hamburger menu on the top left and select Account.On the next page, scroll down and tap the down-facing arrow next to your profile.
  3. Click View next to Viewing Activity. Then, tap the circle with a line to remove a particular movie or web show from your watch history.
  4. If you want to remove the entire series from your Netflix history, click on Hide Series, as shown below.
  5. This way, you can hide specific movies, episodes, or the entire series from your Netflix account history. These shows will now appear as fresh if searched from your account.

Netflix Delete Watch History on iPhone

  1. Open the Netflix app on your iPhone and Tap on the More tab (bottom-right corner).
  2. Scroll down and tap on Account.
  3. Scroll down and under the Profile & Parental Controls section, select the profile for which you want to delete the watch history.
  4. Scroll down to the Profile section and tap on Viewing activity.
  5. Tap the Hide icon (a circle with a line through it) next to the title you want to remove from your watch history.
  6. The title will be hidden from your watch history or deleted from history.

How many profiles can I have on Netflix?

Up to 5 profiles on a standard plan.

Is Netflix available offline?

Yes, you can download some titles for offline viewing.

What’s the Kid’s profile for?

Offers child-friendly content and restrictions.

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