
How to Change AirDrop Name on iPhone iPad and MAC


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The updated AirDrop could introduce advanced settings to provide Apple users with more control over their sharing experience. For changing the AirDrop name in all apple devices, just follow the below topic and take a look each step.

Change AirDrop Name on iPhone

What is AirDrop

AirDrop is a feature available on all Apple devices, it is used to share files, photos, videos, contacts, and other darta in wirelessly.It uses the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology totransfer the files.AirDrop eliminates the need of cables, email attachments, or third-party apps to transfer files between devices.

How to Use AirDrop

  1. To use AirDrop, select the file or content you want to share
  2. Tap on share menu
  3. Click on AirDrop option.
  4. Select the recipient’s device from the list of available nearby devices
  5. once the recipient accepts the transfer, the file will be sent directly to their device.

How to Change AirDrop Name

There are many apple devices using airDrop to transfer the files, to change the airDrop name on that devices as shown below.

How to Change AirDrop Name in Phone or iPad

To change the AirDrop name on your IPhone/Ipad, you can follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Settings in your iPhone or iPad.
  2. In the Settings menu, scroll down and tap on the General.
  3. In the General settings, select About.
  4. Tap on Name option, after that text box will appear with the current name of your iPhone. Delete the current name and enter a new name of your choice.
  5. Tap on the Done. After entering the new name.
  6. Successfully saved your newAirDrop name for your iPhone/Ipad.

Note that the same procedure will applicable for both Iphone/Ipad.

How to Change AirDrop Name on MAC

You can follow below steps about to know how to change your airdrop name on your MAC account.

  1. Click on the Apple menu icon in the top-left corner of the screen.
  2. Select System Preferences, in that window, click on the Sharing icon.
  3. After that , The Sharing settings will be displayed. At the top of the window, you will see the current name of your MAC and Click on the name.
  4. A text box will appear, Delete the current name and enter a new name you want.
  5. After entering the new name, close the window.
  6. The new name may saved and successfully the new AirDrop name was changed for your Mac

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